Whether you have breathing issues or want to alter your facial aesthetic, you might have considered getting a rhinoplasty. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 220,000 people get rhinoplasties each year. Nowadays, cosmetic surgeries are not uncommon. In this article, we discuss the different reasons people consider rhinoplasty, what to expect before and after the surgery, the risks of the procedure as well as who is a good candidate for this plastic surgery.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a nasal reconstruction plastic surgery procedure that alters or reconstructs the shape of your nose.

There are two kinds of rhinoplasty procedures:

  • Reconstructive surgery: This type of rhinoplasty procedure aims to restore the natural function and form of the nose. Victims of facial injuries and trauma often seek reconstructive surgeries to fix their noses. People with congenital disabilities can also benefit from this kind of surgery.
  • Cosmetic surgery: This type of rhinoplasty aims to alter the nose’s appearance for aesthetic purposes. People dissatisfied with their facial features often seek cosmetic nasal surgeries to alter their looks.

Will health insurance cover my rhinoplasty?

Reasons to consider rhinoplasty

Here are some reasons why you may consider rhinoplasty:

  1. To change the size of your nose
  2. To change the shape of your nose
  3. To narrow your nostrils
  4. To fix breathing issues
  5. To straighten your septum
  6. To fix your nose

1. Changing the size of your nose

Aesthetically speaking, there are many reasons why a person might consider rhinoplasty and one of the most common reasons is the size of the nose. Some might think that their nose is too short or big so they want to alter its size. Getting a rhinoplasty can make the nose look proportional to the face. By scheduling a consultation with a nose surgeon, you can discuss the best course of action.

2. Changing the shape of your nose

Another reason for getting a rhinoplasty is altering the shape of your nose. Getting a rhinoplasty can help you get a nose shape that suits your face and enhances your aesthetics. Surgeons can alter the angle of your nose, reshape the tip or straighten the bridge of the nose if there’s a bump on it. Altering the shape of your nose is a good option if you want a proportional nose.

3. Narrowing your nostrils

Candidates for rhinoplasty often seek to change the size of their nostrils. For instance, some might find the size of their nostrils too wide for their liking. Getting a rhinoplasty can help adapt the shape of the nostrils in a way that looks aesthetically pleasing and makes them feel more confident about their appearance.

You can have a long discussion with your surgeon about this so they can tailor the surgery to your individual needs. Narrowing your nostrils along with other cosmetic alterations can help restore your confidence in yourself.

4. Fixing breathing issues

There’s far more to rhinoplasty than aesthetic considerations. As discussed above, some people have breathing issues. This can be due to congenital disabilities or due to traumatic injuries. For example, a deviated septum causes breathing issues. Getting a rhinoplasty is a long-term solution for this problem and many other similar malformations.

The nose’s function is to breathe. If you have a structural deformity, this natural function will be obstructed. Another example is enlarged turbinate that can seriously impede breathing. Getting a rhinoplasty will thoroughly address these issues. If you deal with breathing issues, then it’s a good time to discuss whether you should get a rhinoplasty with a plastic surgeon. Getting rhinoplasty at the right time will save you a lot of trouble in the future.

5. Straightening your septum

Your nasal septum is the cartilage within your nose that divides your nasal cavity in half. A deviated septum occurs when this cartilage is crooked. A deviated septum can cause serious breathing difficulties and requires medical attention. If you are having issues breathing or want to alter the shape of your nose, you have to fix your deviated septum.

Fixing a deviated septum can solve medical as well as cosmetic dilemmas. Most people have some form of nasal irregularities, but they do not cause any serious medical issues. However, a deviated septum can often cause poor breathing. It can also cause sinus issues such as a chronically blocked nose.

6. Fixing your nose

A person might experience severe traumatic injuries to their nasal area after an accident. Broken noses are extremely common after an impact, whether it be a car accident, a punch, or falling face first. Facial burns are also included in this. A broken nose can lead to cosmetic issues or even medical ones. Rhinoplasty can fix any deformity that these accidents might cause. Rhinoplasty will restore the form and function of your nose!

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Who is a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

  • People who are dissatisfied with their facial appearance: If you are dissatisfied with your facial appearance, you can go for a rhinoplasty. Whether you want to change the angle of your nose, the size of your nose, or the shape of your nose, rhinoplasty can do that for you. The same goes for people who complain about having wider nostrils.
  • People who have breathing issues: If you are having breathing issues, getting a rhinoplasty can help you fix that. Whether it’s due to a deviated septum or other irregularities, rhinoplasty can clear the way for air to enter your nose.
  • People who have suffered traumatic injuries: Some people consider rhinoplasty because they have experienced traumatic injuries to their facial area and nose. This can include nasal deformities, irregularities, and nasal burns.

What to expect before and after a nose job

Before a nose job you should verify your plastic surgeon’s credentials, make sure to arrange a leave of absence at work, and refrain from alcohol and cigarettes a few weeks before the plastic surgery. After a nose job, expect a recovery period and follow your surgeon’s prescription.

The procedure can take anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours. Incisions will be made within the nostrils, and these incisions will heal and won’t be visible after recovery. If additional cartilage is required for the rhinoplasty, it will be taken from your nasal septum. A secondary rhinoplasty will require more cartilage which will need to be taken from your ear or rib.

Sometimes, this cartilage can also come from approved sources. Make sure you choose a skilled surgeon for your nose job due to cartilage issues. Before you sign up for rhinoplasty, make sure you have discussed the surgery thoroughly with your surgeon.

Once the surgery is done, you have to properly recover so it is not the time for strenuous exercises. You will experience mild discomfort after the normal surgery which you can attenuate by taking your prescribed medication. You can expect to wear a splint both on the inside and outside for at least a week.

Before and after rhinoplasty 

How long is recovery from a nose job?

Normally, your nose after rhinoplasty can take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to heal fully. During this recovery period, you should avoid all the activities that put a strain on your nasal area, such as running, exercising, driving, going to the gym, etc.

What are the risks of rhinoplasty?

Just like any other surgery, there are some risks associated with rhinoplasty. Here are the risks that you need to know about before getting rhinoplasty:

  • Bleeding: Bleeding can occur from the nasal area after rhinoplasty. If that happens, consult your medical specialist so that they can guide you through the process.
  • Infections: Infections can show up in the nasal region. If that happens, consult your doctor.
  • Harmful reaction to anesthesia: Sometimes, the patient’s body reacts adversely to the anesthesia given during the surgery. If you have a history of such reactions, you should discuss it with your surgeon before the surgery.

Additional risks can arise if the plastic surgeon lacks experience:

  • Have difficulty breathing through your nose
  • Numbness in and around your nasal area
  • Scarring around your nasal area
  • Soreness around your nasal area
  • Swelling around your nasal area
  • A hole in the septum area
  • Pain in your nasal area
  • Discoloration around your nasal area
  • Need for a secondary nose job
  • Uneven looking nose

How long does it take to recover from rhinoplasty?

Considering rhinoplasty?

Before signing up for a nose job, you need to find a professional you can trust. A rhinoplasty procedure is a great solution for those who are having cosmetic or medical nasal dilemmas. Rhinoplasty can improve your quality of life and restore your confidence!

Schedule a rhinoplasty consultation