To know the stages of a cosmetic surgery

The meeting
At the first meeting, once you have completed a series of documents on your health state, Dr. Moufarrège will receive you in his office to discuss with you the reason for your consultation and the options available for the corrections you request. He will ask you a series of questions about the reason for your visit, the reasons for your decision, the antecedents related to the problem you are presenting him. It happens that Dr. Moufarrège may want, in special cases, to know your motivation and your expectations so as to avoid misunderstandings about certain details.
The general exam
Following the first meeting, a physical examination on the problem to be corrected will be done and the relevant explanations will be given to you. Depending on the case, you may have to try breast sizing prostheses ( sizers ) if you are coming for breast augmentation surgery. It is also possible, always according to the problem for which you consult, that the doctor makes certain simulations to show you the effect on you of the considered surgery (rhitydectomy or face-lift). In some cases, the doctor will make drawings on paper to show you the surgical gesture he plans to make (rhinoplasty for example)…

The pre-operation pictures
Since cosmetic surgery is essentially based on changes in shape, it is not only justified, but also compulsory to take pre-operative pictures for several reasons, one of which is that of constituting a working tool for the patient. surgeon who sometimes needs to consult the photo to plan his surgery; another reason lies in a way of satisfying you when you ask to review the state in which you had presented before the intervention.
The planning
Several situations may arise depending on your psychological preparation for the surgery. It sometimes happens that patients coming from far away want to proceed quickly enough to take a date of surgery, which will lead them to meet the secretary as soon as the consultation is over to schedule this date. It also happens that you as a patient need a moment of planning and decide to call back the secretariat later.

Preparation for the surgery
At the end of the first consultation, Dr. Moufarrège will give you a prescription to pass pre-operative examinations. General anesthesia requires a minimum of blood tests (blood count, sometimes urea-glucose), but also an ECG for patients over 40 years. In mammograms, a mammogram will be required in patients over 35 years old to avoid missing a breast pathology still unknown. Whatever these analyzes may be, their validity period is four months. Any older analysis will have to be repeated.
Often, unless there are special exceptions, you have documents that prepare you for surgery in which the preparations are detailed. But here we summarize some recommendations. It is important that you have not taken any blood thinning products for the 15 days prior to your operation. It is compulsory to be fasting since midnight of the day before the operation. You sometimes have a prescription for certain medications that you will take some time before the surgery as noted in the documents provided. You arrive at the clinic at the time recommended by the secretary and you register. You will be approached by the staff and the anesthesiologist who will ask you pertinent questions and you will be installed in a cubicle where you will have to install an intravenous line, where Dr. Moufarrège will go to see you and possibly make some drawings on the site. the surgery and where you will wait for the moment of your intervention. At this point, you will be directed to the operating room where the anesthesiologist will fall asleep after having installed all the necessary equipment to control your vital constants necessary for a safe conduct of your anesthesia.

Waking up
You will be woken up in the operating room. No transfer will be allowed in our practice to the recovery room on a patient still intubated. Once in the recovery room, you will be taken care of by the nurse in the recovery room. There you could eventually receive pain medication if needed. Many patients are afraid of pain after the end of surgery. It is a bit of a myth to think that it is obligatory to bear undue pain. The nurse will regularly ask you for an idea of the intensity of the pain and will give you the necessary medications. Once well awake and stable, you are transferred to a cubicle of rest where you can be joined by the person who accompanies you (member of your family or friend). Dr. Moufarrège will come to see you and will inform you of the procedure to which you have been entitled and will give you the last recommendations.
The post-operation follow-up
As soon as you leave the clinic, you must be accompanied. At any time of the day or night, you will have the cell phone number of Dr. Moufarrège and you can call him if necessary. It may happen that the doctor calls you back later in the evening when he thinks it’s important and he may call you the next day to hear from you. You will be asked to come for an office check in 5 to 7 days after the surgery. The next check will be one month later, then three months, then six months, and then one year. You will have to make control visits once a year from then on and you will never have to pay the cost of these visits.