Publications du Dr. Mouffarège


  • AESTHETIC SURGERY OF THE BREAST, 1990, Editeur N Georgiade
    Chapitre 30 : The Moufarrege Total Pedicle mammaplasty
    Chapitre 5 : Richard Moufarrège, Considérations anatomo-artistiques sur le sein 
  • AESTHETIC SURGERY OF THE ABDOMINAL WALL, 2005, Editeur Melvin A.Shiffman
    Chapitre 11: Richard Moufarrège, Horseshoe Abdominoplasty
  • BREAST AUGMENTATION, 2009, Editeur Melvin A.Shiffman
    Chapitre 13: Richard Moufarrege, The Golden Ratios of the Breast
    Chapitre 18: Richard Moufarrege, Choice of prosthesis surface: Myth or necessity?
    Chapitre 64: Richard Moufarrege, Hammock Capsulorrhaphy
  • COSMETIC SURGERY, 2013, Editeur Melvin Shiffman
    Chapitre 46: Richard Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Mammaplasty
  • Chapitre 53: Richard Moufarrege, The Horseshoe Abdominoplasty
  • COM, Encyclopédie Mondiale de la Médecine, 2001, Breast,
    Chapitre : The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Mammaplasty
    Volume de 17 chapitres détaillés plus loin.


Le traitement de la fissure labio-palatine Moufarrège R, Ménard Y., Dion M.A. Union médicale du Canada Décembre 1978

“Plastie mammaire à pédicule dermo-glandulaire inférieur”

Moufarrège R., Muller G.H., Beauregard G., Bossée J.P., Papillon J.

Annales de chirurgie plastique, vol. 27, no 3, 1982, pages 249-254

“Pseudo-anévrismes de l’artère radiale. Intérêt de la microchirurgie. A propos d’un cas” Moufarrège R., Théot L. , Beauregard G., Bossé J.P., Papillon J. Annales de chirurgie de la main,  vol. 1, no 1, mai 1982, pages 40-44

The scapular crest pediculed bone graft, Théot L., Bossé J.P., Moufarrège R., Papillon J., Beauregard G. International Journal of Microsurgery, , vol. 3, no 4, déc. 81, pages 257-262

Mammaplasty by the inferior dermoglandular pedicle

Moufarrège R., Muller G.H., Beauregard G.N., Bossé J.P., Papillon J. Transactions of The International Congress ofPlastic and Reconstructive surgery, PRS, Williams H.B. Editor, June 1983, page 773

Outcome of mammary capsulotomies

Moufarrège R., Beauregard G.N., Bossé J.P., Papillon J.

Transactions of The WII International Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, PRS, Williams H.B. Editor, June 1983, page 784

Le lambeau myocutané du grand droit: l’expérience d’une complication Moufarrège R., Bossé J.P., Beauregard G., Papillon J.

Annales de chirurgie plastique, vol 30, no 3, 1985, pages 272-274

The total dermoglandular pedicle reduction mammoplasty  

Moufarrège R., Beauregard G., Bossé J.P., Muller G.H., Papillon J.

Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, vol. 9 , 1985, pages 227-232

Outcome of mammary capsulotomies

Moufarrège R., Bossé J.P., Beauregard, G., Papillon J.

Annals of Plastic Surgery, vol. 19, No l, July 1987, pages 62 à 64

Les brûlures de la main Moufarrège R., Actualité médicale avril 1988

The Total Dermoglandular Pedicle Mammaplasty, Moufarrège, R.Aesthetic Surgery of the Breast, Georgiade, Georgiade, Rieftohl, 1990, W.B.

Saunders Cie, “Textbook”, chapitre 30, pages 371 à 386

Surface-patterned silicone implants. Decrease contracture for soft breast prosthesis

Peter A. Vogt, Howard A.Seider, Richard Moufarrège ., John R. Leikensohn, Robert Ersek, Harry V. Eisenbeg, Dale Armstrong

Contemporary Surgery, vol. 37, no 3, sept. 1990, pages 25-29

Les dessous du Pédicule Total dans la chirurgie de réduction mammaire

Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, vol. 35, no 3, 1990, pages 209-218

Mammoplastie ou guerre des lignes,  Moufarrège R.

Annales de chirurgie plastique, Vol. 36, no 1, 1991, pages 23-25

Transposition Flaps for pressure sore in paraplegics

Beauregard G.N., Bortoluzzi P. , Moufarrège R., Papillon J., Bossé J.P., Daigle J.P.

Transactions of the X Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Excepta Medica, Editor Hinderer U. T. 1992, pages 853-854

Management of Invasive Facial Baso-Cell Carcinoma,

Beauregard G.N., Borsanyi J.P., Moufarrège R., Bossé J.P., Papillon J., Daigle J.P. Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Transactions of the Congress of the International Confederation, Harii K Editor, Kugler Publications, 1995, page 529.

The Role of Free Tissue Transfer in the Management of Acute and Subacute Bum Wounds, Daigle J.P., Beauregard G.N., Bossé J.P., Moufarrège R., Grossenbacher R., Papillon J., Plastic Reconstrucive and Aesthetic Surgery, 1995, page 86


The Moufarrège Horseshoe Abdominoplasty, Moufarrège R., Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Vol. 17, no 2, March-April 1997, pages 91-96

Considérations anatomo-artistique sur le sein, Moufarrège R.

Annales de chirurgie plastique Esthétique 50(2005)365-370

Anatomical and artistic breast considerations, Considerations on the breast” R. Moufarrège, Aesthetic Surgery Journal

Considerations on the breast”, R.Moufarrège, Encyclopédie mondiale de la médecine

Existe-t-il un rapport entre les incisions et la forme finale d’un sein? ” R.Moufarrège. Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique (2010) 55, 111-134.

The effects of Moufarrège Total Posterior Pedicle Reduction Mammaplasty on breastfeeding, R.Moufarrège: A Review of 931 cases Aesthetic surgery journal septembre 2013.

The Moufarrege Total Submuscular Breast Augmentation, R. Moufarrege, Advances in plastic and reconstructive surgery, (2018), 237 à 242

Immediate Post-Mastectomy Reconstruction with Prosthesis Using The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Mammaplasty Design”, R. Moufarrege, (2019)1-10

The Effects of Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Reduction Mammaplasty on Breast Cancer incidence, R.Moufarrege, Surgical Science, (2017), 133-144.

The Effect of the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Reduction Mammaplasty on the Erogenous Sensation of the Nipple, R. Moufarrege, Surgical Science, (2019), 127-140.

The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Functional Pedicle, R. Moufarrege, M. Elyamani, M. mansouri, A alaoui, S. Bouchard, Journal of Surery and Insight, (2020) JSI-100012.

Tuberous Breasts Correction by The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle, R. Moufarrege,

The Golden Ratios of The Breast, R.Moufarrege, Breasts Augmentation, Springer (2009)

The Golden Ratios of The Breast, R.Moufarrege Principles and practices (2008),

Pitfalls and Dangers of Mammaplasty Techniques, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 1, 2022.

The Golden Ratios of The Breast R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 3, 2022.

The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle, The Technique, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 4, 2022.

What Distinguishes the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle from other mammaplasty techniques, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 5, 2022.

Functional Anatomy of the Breast, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 6, 2022

Breast Lifting by the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 7, 2022.

Breast Lifting Combined with augmentation by the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 8, 2022.

Immediate Post-Mastectomy Reconstruction with Prosthesis Using the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 9, 2022.

Correction of Tuberous Breasts by the Moufarrege Total posterior Pedicle, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 10, 2022.

The Incidence of Breast Cancer Following the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 11, 2022.

Breastfeeding After the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Reduction Mammaplasty, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 12, 2022.

The Nipple Erogenous Sensation after the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Mammaplasty, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 13, 2022.

Long Term Evolution with Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Mammaplasty, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 14, 2022.

The Total Posterior Pedicle Atypical Breast Presentations, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 15, 2022.

The Total Submuscular Breast Augmentation, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 16, 2022.

The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Functional Pedicle, R.Moufarrege, The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle or the Universal Mammaplasty, chapitre 17, 2022.

Proposition d’un nouveau barème de préjudices”, R.Moufarrège, Jean- Noel Casaubon, Normand Houle, Actualités Médicales.

How to preserve complete breastfeeding function in breast reduction and lifting mammaplasties, R.Moufarrège, C.Awaida, H.sinno, M.Stevens, G.Gholam, M.Aribert, R.Laurent, R.Shoucair, IJMSCRS, feb 2023.

How to avoid pseudoptosis after Lifting and Breast Reduction mammaplasties, R.Moufarrège, M.Aribert, G.Gholam, R.Laurent, R.Shoucair, C.Awaida, IJMSCRS, mar 2023.

Correcting the Tuberous breast by the Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle: An Architectural reconstruction, R.Moufarrège, R.Shoucair, G.Gholam, M.Aribert, C.Awaida, R.Laurent, IJMSCRS, 2023

How to preserve the Nipple Erogenic Sensation in breast lifting and reduction mammaplasties, R.Moufarrège, C.Awaida, H.Sinno, M.Stevens, G.Gholam, M.Aribert, R.laurent, R.Shoucair, IJMSCRS, Jan 2023

How to avoid nipple necrosis in lifting and reduction mammaplasties, R.Moufarrège, M.Aribert, R.Shoucair, R.Laurent, C.Awaida, IJMSCRS, Apr 2023

The Moufarrege Total Submuscular Augmentation or how to preserve Nipple Eropgenous sensation in breast Augmentation, R.Moufarrège, M.aribert, G.Gholam, C.Awaida, IJMSCRS, 2023      

Publications Non Médicales

  • Traité d’histoire de l’architecture :
  • “Versailles, château pour un roi, portrait d’un roi”.1992.
  • “Le Temple de Bacchus, Architecture Romaine, Héritage Phénicien”. 1994