Surgeries : Breast Lifting


Mammoplasty by the total pedicle of Dr. Moufarrège is the only mammoplasty that allows the conservation of the erogenous sensation of the mammal as that of the capacity to breastfeed after the surgery.


What is breast lift?

Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a plastic surgery procedure performed by a plastic surgeon that involves changing the shape of the breasts. During a mastopexy, the excess skin is removed and the breast tissue is reshaped to lift the breasts. Surgery can also involve a change in the position of the areola and nipple. A breast lift will not significantly change the size of your breasts. However, it can be done in combination with breast augmentation or breast reduction.

What makes this rejuvenating plastic surgery different from breast reduction is the absence of any resection of breast tissue to reduce its volume. Once this detail is understood and put aside, everything else that we have said about Dr. Moufarrège’s breast reduction is applicable to the breast lifting technique: the nipple complex remains entirely joined to the mammary gland without any reduction of the “bridges” which keep the gland and the nipple in perfect cohesiveness. 

However, as in breast reduction, the nipple is moved to a higher position so as to regain its youthful look and the excess skin is cut off to allow for a more harmonious lifting of the breasts. The shape is therefore much more natural looking and attractive because it is entirely free from its subjacent restraints. The nipple keeps its erogenous sensitiveness, its erectility and its breastfeeding functions. The scars will take the appearance of a breast reduction scar such as illustrated in the diagram (mild ptosis, medium ptosis, severe ptosis).

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Breast lift before and after



Why do breasts sag?

A woman’s breasts often change over time, losing their youthful shape and firmness. These changes and the loss of elasticity in the skin lead to sagging breasts (technically known as breast ptosis). These changes can be the result of:

  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Aging
  • Genetic
  • Smoking

Sometimes the areola gets bigger over time, and a mastopexy helps reduce it as well.

Who is breast lift for?

A breast lift is a good option for you if:

  • You are in good physical health and maintain a stable weight.
  • You don’t smoke.
  • You are upset that your breasts have lost their shape and volume.
  • You can’t stand that your nipples are located under the fold of the breast.
  • The nipples and areolas point downwards.
  • One breast is lower than the other.



Benefits of a breast lift

Breast lift offers a large number of benefits that significantly affect the quality of life of patients:


1. Breast correction

The main reason most women decide to have a breast lift is to correct sagging breasts. With a mastopexy, we improve the appearance of the breast and its aesthetics in order to obtain a rejuvenated and toned breast.

Breast lift removes the distension of the skin on the breast that causes excessive sagging of the breasts as a result of changes in the body due to fluctuations in weight, pregnancy or breastfeeding.


2. Natural appearance

Mastopexy helps reshape the silhouette of patients, harmonize the breast with the body of each woman and achieve a more youthful appearance. Breast lift offers very natural results for women, who can experience a very satisfying physical change when the appearance of their breasts is restored.


3. Strengthened of self-esteem

Breast lift influences the aesthetics of women, but it also has beneficial effects on the psychological field. This surgical procedure strengthens self-esteem, which enriches the attitude of patients in their family, social and professional development. A breast lift improves your quality of life, your well-being and contributes to your happiness.


4. Prompt recovery

Breast lift is performed under general anesthesia or mixed anesthesia and lasts 2 to 4 hours. Recovery is rapid, 10 to 14 days, so the patient can return to work a few days or weeks after the procedure and get back to her/his daily activities.




Consultation for a breast lift

Before performing a breast lift, it is important to consult an experienced plastic surgeon in order to obtain all the necessary information. During your first personalized consultation with Dr. Moufarrège, you will discuss the size and shape of the desired breasts as well as the position of the nipples and areolas.

During the consultation, Dr. Moufarrège will examine your breasts to assess the quality of your breast skin, the shape of your breasts and the position of your nipples. He will also discuss your medical history with you to know if you have any allergies, what previous surgeries or medical treatments you have had, and what medications you are taking.


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Postoperative recommendations

Although many people think that the postoperative period of a mastopexy is more complicated and painful than that of a breast augmentation, this is not always the case. After surgery, it is necessary to take into account a series of guidelines, but postoperative care is not bothersome or painful if done correctly. Here are some tips to follow after your operation:

  • Rest: Rest of the intervention area is essential. It’s not about not making any movement with the arms, but making sure the movements are smooth. Make sure you are not loading any weight. Rest facilitates healing and decreases inflammation.
  • Sports bra: To avoid undesirable mobilization of the breasts in the postoperative period, it is essential to use the bra provided by your surgeon.
  • Hydration: After surgery, the skin of the breast is more stretched, due to the inflammation. This sudden distension, along with continued bra wearing, can lead to dryness of the skin. Keeping the skin well hydrated will improve this symptomatology and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Sleeping on your back: It is important to sleep on your back for the first week after surgery to avoid putting pressure on your chest and speed up healing.
  • Sun and tanning: You should avoid exposing your scars to the sun or UV rays from tanning salons for 6 months.
  • Scar treatment: During the first postoperative period, it is important to cleanse with antiseptics and avoid dehydration by occlusion. Later, gels and moisturizers can be applied to prevent keloid formation and keep the scar flat and elastic.
  • Physiotherapy: Postoperative physiotherapeutic treatment with manual lymphatic drainage will facilitate the return to normal as quickly as possible, relieving inflammation and discomfort.
  • Follow-up consultations: The follow-up consultations are important to assess whether the postoperative process is proceeding normally.,


What is the cost of a breast lift in Quebec?

In Quebec, breast reduction is covered by the RAMQ and breast lift varies between $ 9,000 and $ 12,000 (including surgery, OS, anesthesia and taxes).