Facelifts can transform your appearance, but how much do they cost? In this article, we explain what a facelift is, the average cost, the different types of facelifts that are available to you, as well as the benefits and risks associated with this form of cosmetic surgery


What is a facelift?

A facelift, often called a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical technique that makes people look younger and improves their facial appearance. 

Sagging or folds of skin on the cheekbones and jawline, as well as other changes in the contour of your face that occur with age and be reduced with this surgery. A facelift involves pulling back a flap of skin on each side of the face, and surgically altering the tissues underneath the skin to restore the contour of the face to a more youthful shape. 

Before the flap is sutured shut, excess skin is removed. To decrease fat deposits and drooping skin on the neck, a neck lift (platysmaplasty) is frequently performed as part of a facelift. A facelift will not improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your skin, nor will it repair sun damage. There are other cosmetic procedures to improve the appearance or condition of the skin.

Who is a good candidate for a facial lift?


What is the best age to have a facelift?

A facelift should be avoided by anyone under the age of 30. This surgical procedure is most effective for individuals in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, when indications of ageing begin to appear. Deep lines, wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, are all signs of ageing that are best treated with surgery.

However, there is no set age at which you can be considered a suitable candidate for a facelift. Everyone ages at a different rate due to a variety of variables. When indications of ageing begin to worry you and non-surgical therapies no longer deliver the results you want, you should consider a facelift.


How much do facelifts cost in Canada?

A facelift in Canada costs an average of $ 10,000 CAD. The cost can vary depending on your location, the surgeon’s experience, and the desired results. 


What are the types of facelift surgery?

Thread facelifts

The thread lift is believed to be the most unobtrusive facelift performed by cosmetic surgeons. Because it involves the use of local anesthesia, rather than general anesthesia, the procedure only takes around 30 minutes. Because the degree of swelling, and possibly bruising, cannot be predicted, we recommend taking the day off after having this procedure performed.

Liquid facelifts

Because your facial skin thins and your muscles atrophy as you become older, your face will start to sag. Liquid facelifts are ideal for those who want to regain the radiance and youthfulness that is typically lost when facial skin ages.

A liquid facelift includes injecting hyaluronic acid (the same substance used in dermal fillers) into the temples and down the jawline, and then sculpting the filler by hand to build a more pronounced jawline and a high-arched eyebrow curve. Overnight, liquid facelifts can produce swelling, or even bruising, although this normally goes away after a few days.

A facial rejuvenation, based only on filler injections, is restricted to the quantity of drooping skin and droopy facial fat. Patients in their mid-thirties and late forties are good candidates for liquid facelifts as this is generally the time when ageing signs begin to appear. 


What’s the procedure for a facelift?


Sedation and local anesthesia, which numbs only a portion of your body, are sometimes used during the treatment. In other circumstances, general anesthesia is recommended.


A facelift entails lifting the skin and tightening the underlying tissues and muscles. Fat can be sculpted, eliminated, or redistributed in the face and neck. The wound is then stitched or taped closed and the facial skin is re-draped over the newly relocated features of the face. 

Here are different types of facelift incisions that can be performed: 

  • A traditional facelift incision, which starts in the hairline at your temples, continues down and around the front of your ears, and ends behind your ears in your lower scalp. An incision under your chin may be made to improve the appearance of your neck.
  • A limited incision, which starts in your hairline right above your ear, goes around the front of your ear, but does not go all the way into your lower scalp.
  • A neck lift incision, which starts in front of your earlobe and continues around your ear into your lower scalp. A small incision is also created under your chin.
  • A facelift usually takes two to four hours, but it could take longer if other cosmetic procedures are being performed at the same time.


After a facelift, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Mild to moderate discomfort
  • Flow of blood from the incisions
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Numbness

If you have any of the following symptoms, call your plastic surgeon or a doctor:

  • Within 24 hours of surgery, severe pain on one side of your face or neck
  • Breathing problems
  • Pain in the chest
  • Heartbeats that aren’t regular

Best plastic surgeries to make your face look younger


What are the benefits of a facelift?

Facelifts address aging

The thinning of dermal tissue, and the loss of facial fat, can both contribute to the steady deterioration of your skin’s quality. Age, gravity, sun damage, smoking, inheritance, and stress are all factors that affect aging. By removing excess skin, tightening underlying tissue and muscle, and redrapping the remaining skin for a smoother and tighter appearance, facelifts make patiens look younger. 

Facelifts tighten the skin

A facelift is a restorative procedure that tightens and smooths loose skin on the face and neck by undermining the skin from the underlying muscles and tissues. Skin is redraped over the face and extra skin is clipped once the muscles and tissue beneath the skin have been repositioned and tightened. 

Facelifts re-contours your jaw

Loose skin tends to hang off the jaw and neck, resulting in jowls or a double chin. By removing extra skin and fatty deposits in these areas, a facelift can redefine the contours of a strong jawline.


What are the potential risks and side effects of facelifts?

The risks associated with facelift surgery are similar to those associated with any surgical operation. However, facelift treatment comes with a few problems that are unique to it. Complications might develop after a facelift procedure. Blood or fluid retention under the skin, crusting of facelift scars, and numbness, are all common side effects. 

After a facelift, the danger of nerve injury or infection is limited, but still exists. Neck and brow lifts are less invasive treatments that usually result in less pain and a lower risk of complications than a full facelift.

Side effects of a facelift


How long does a facelift last?

While a facelift can rejuvenate the appearance of your face and neck, its effects are not permanent. A facelift can last up to ten years in most cases.


What to expect after a facelift

A few weeks or months after a facelift, it’s common to experience a stiff, swollen, and numb face. The bruises will ultimately migrate down the neck with gravity, causing transient bruising of the cheeks. Scars diminish with time, but they never totally disappear.


What is the approximate recovery time, following a face lift?

A facelift takes roughly two to four weeks to fully recover from. For at least two weeks, bruising is noticeable. The full effect of the facelift may take six to nine months to appear.


How do you prepare for a facelift?

You may be requested to do the following to prepare for a facelift:

  • Obtain laboratory testing or a medical examination.
  • Apply certain products to the skin of the face.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements should be avoided because they can cause excessive bleeding and bruising.

A facelift can be done at a hospital, a licensed ambulatory surgery center, or an approved office-based surgical facility. You must plan for someone to drive you to and from surgery, as well as to stay with you for the first night after surgery.


Book a consultation with a plastic surgeon

If you want to have the best chance of reducing complications in the healing process, you should contact an experienced plastic surgeon. Pay attention and ask lots of questions to make sure you and your surgeon are on the same page. It’s also a good idea to schedule appointments with a few specialists, so you can pick the right one. 

You should obtain references, study portfolios, and read reviews, but ultimately, you should trust your gut. Not only will the plastic surgeon assist you in selecting the best operation for you, but he or she will also explain what can and cannot be done based on your unique anatomy and what to expect in terms of outcomes.

Schedule a consultation with a board certified cosmetic surgeon