Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is beneficial for both men and women who have extra skin and fat in their upper or lower eyelids. Traditionally, the bulk of patients who opted for this facial procedure were those who were trying to reverse age-related changes. 

These days, however, many people in their thirties and younger opt for blepharoplasty in order to treat illnesses that run in their families. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about blepharoplasty and how much it costs in Canada.


What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a facial surgical procedure that involves removing extra skin from the eyelids.  As we become older, our eyelids extend, and the muscles that support them weaken. This can result in the accumulation of extra skin and fat above and below the eyes. 

In addition to getting older, drooping skin around the eyes can impair peripheral vision, particularly in the top and outer regions of the visual field. These eyesight issues can be resolved or reduced with blepharoplasty. 


Signs of aging in the upper lids

Patients wanting upper lid blepharoplasty frequently observe the following upper eyelid skin changes:

  • Thin, loose, and excess skin on the eyelids;
  • Eyelid ptosis and a worn-out appearance caused by droopy or sagging eyelids;
  • Excessive fullness of the upper eyelids brought on by sagging and bulging fat;
  • Too many upper eyelids caused by the retraction of fat into the eye socket; 
  • Lack of an upper eyelid crease;
  • Asymmetrical eyelid crease;
  • Uneven margin positions on the eyelids.


Signs of aging in the lower lids

Your lower eyelid’s aging changes are primarily caused by the under-eye bone’s deterioration and, to a lesser extent, by changes in the skin and soft tissues. Age-related bone loss in the under-eye region causes the eyebags to enlarge, the eyelids to droop and sag, and the under-eye grooves to deepen.

Blepharoplasty patients frequently observe the following lower eyelid aging changes:

  • Skin that is too thin;
  • Excessive fat in eyebags;
  • Excessive hollowing brought on by loss of soft tissue and bone;
  • Lower eyelids drawn downward (eyelid retraction);
  • Ectropion, or outward turning of lower eyelids, due to age-related muscular weakening or scarring from previous eyelid surgery;
  • Eyelid corners that droop to give the eyes a sad expression;
  • Entropion or inward turning of the lower eyelid margin, as a result of overactive muscles .

Best plastic surgeries to make your face look younger


What are the benefits of lower or upper blepharoplasty?

Patients seeking blepharoplasty often want to lessen aging and worn-out appearances near the upper and/or lower eyelid regions. Blepharoplasty can help with a variety of special requirements. 

Here are a few benefits of eyelid surgery:

  • Shrinking the eye area’s sagging skin;
  • Removing under-eye bags that provide the impression of shadows or dark circles;
  • Addressing any extra skin or fat, near your eyes, that may be impeding your vision;
  • Smoothing the skin for a look that is younger and refreshed.

In order to learn more about whether blepharoplasty can help you achieve your cosmetic goals, you should contact a plastic surgery clinic. If the plastic surgeon’s assessment concludes that you would benefit from this surgery, a custom treatment plan will be created for you. For example, a brow lift may be recommended as an extra operation if you want a more thorough facial rejuvenation.

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Who is a good candidate for blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is typically an option for patients who have excess eyelid skin, protruding pockets of fat, lines, wrinkles, dark circles, or shadows around their eyes. In addition, candidates for eyelid surgery should ideally lead healthy lifestyles. They should be:

  • Free from health problems that could slow the healing process
  • Non-smokers

If you’re considering blepharoplasty, you should also be realistic in your objectives and goals. You should call an eyelid surgery clinic to find out whether you’re a good candidate for eyelid surgery.


What is a blepharoplasty recovery like?

Your eyelid may feel painful and tight following blepharoplasty surgery. Your eye might also be runny, dry, sticky, itchy, or light-sensitive. For a few days, your vision might be fuzzy. To relieve your pain and discomfort, your doctor will prescribe you medication.

It’s crucial that you maintain a clean eyelid and refrain from rubbing it. For information on how to clean and take care of your eye, consult your doctor. Your stitches might fall out naturally or your surgeon might take them out three to five days after surgery. For one to three weeks after surgery, your eyelid may be puffy and bruised. 

Within 10 to 14 days following surgery, most people are ready to return to work and their social lives. That being said, you can still have minor bruising around your eyes two weeks after surgery.

How long does a blepharoplasty last?


How much does a blepharoplasty procedure cost in Canada?

Upper eyelid surgery typically costs $5,500 with local anesthesia, or $7,000 with general anesthesia. Typically, a lower blepharoplasty costs $9,000 or more. This may or may not include consultation fees. The price may reach $15,000 or more for patients, who have both upper and lower eyelid surgery or a double eyelid surgery. 

The overall cost will differ from patient to patient because the operation is tailored to each patient’s needs. The complexity of a patient’s needs and the surgical treatments used to help them reach their aesthetic goals will ultimately determine the cost of eyelid surgery.

A more detailed estimate can be given once you consult with a plastic surgeon and they develop your personalized treatment plan. If extra skin is blocking your vision, your insurance company might pay for the procedure. Your optometrist can determine whether your eyelid surgery may be deemed medically essential, by having you come in for a visual eye exam.


How to prepare for a blepharoplasty procedure

You’ll probably get a physical examination before your eyelid surgery, as well as the following:

  • Full eye examination: This can entail measuring specific eyelid regions and assessing tear production.
  • Field visual testing: This procedure seeks to check for blind spots in the corners of the eyes. In order to support an insurance claim, field visual testing is required.
  • Imaging of the eyelids: This procedure can help your surgeon plan the surgery and enable your insurer to determine whether your blepharoplasty is medically warranted.

In addition, you need to take certain steps before the surgery:

  • End the use of medication such as warfarin (Jantoven), aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and other brands), naproxen sodium (Aleve, and other brands), naproxen (Naprosyn), and other drugs and herbal supplements that can make bleeding worse. 
  • Stop smoking several weeks prior to surgery. Smoking can hinder a patient’s ability to recover from surgery.
  • Make arrangements for someone to drive you to and from the hospital. After your surgery, arrange for someone to stay with you at home for the first night.


What to expect after a blepharoplasty procedure

Following surgery, you will spend some time in the recovery area. During this period, staff members will keep an eye out for any issues. You can depart later that day in order to recover at home.

Following surgery, you could momentarily experience:

  • Vision that is hazy due to the lubricating eye cream you applied;
  • Eye irritation;
  • Sensitivity to light;
  • Dual perception;
  • Numb eyelids;
  • A sensation that is similar to having black eyes, in terms of bruising and swelling;
  • Discomfort or pain.

In order to speed up your recovery from surgery, here are measures that you can take unless your doctor instructs you otherwise:

  • The night after surgery, apply ice packs to your eyes for 10 minutes every hour. Use cold packs on your eyes, 4–5 times throughout the day, on the following day
  • Apply eye drops or ointments as directed
  • For a few nights, sleep with your head elevated above your chest
  • To lessen swelling, apply cool compresses
  • To shield the skin on your eyelids from the sun and wind, put on dark shades
  • Acetaminophen can be used to manage pain if necessary


Can blepharoplasty change the shape of your eyes?

Blepharoplasty slightly alters eye form, though not significantly. Most surgeons and their teams make sure that the eyes still appear in harmony and balance with the rest of your face. 

Some aesthetic outcomes of blepharoplasty include:

  • A more rested look
  • Less hooding and sagging of the eyes
  • A more youthful appearance


Can blepharoplasty improve my vision?

Drooping skin around the eyes can impair peripheral vision, particularly in the top and outer regions of the visual field. These eyesight issues can be eliminated or reduced with blepharoplasty. Additionally, the procedure might give eyes a younger, fresher appearance.


Schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon

More than a plastic surgeon, Dr. Richard Moufarrège is a physician. He has a thriving practice, belongs to numerous international plastic surgery groups, and has spoken at significant conventions all around the world. 

He has also been at the forefront of international cosmetic surgery research. His extensive knowledge, combined with his many years of experience, will guarantee that you receive the best advice both before and after your blepharoplasty treatment.

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